spring onions

Spring onions, also referred to as scallions or green onions, are gentler than regular onions and are best consumed uncooked. The green tops of spring onions can be used like chives. Spring onions, along with onions and shallots, belong to the allium family.

Varieties : Foton, Ashicora ,Bajaverda

Quality standard:
Quality meets the international standard and EU standard class 1 – Global gap – Bio

Packaging type 

Pick Packing No. Of Onions in a gap:

10-12 mm/ 9 on. 

12-15 mm/ 8 on.

 15-17 mm/ 7 on. 

On 2 Kg Carton Box or Plastic box or per custmers request. 

Spring Onion (Green onion)
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